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Issues in Military Ethics

Front cover image for Military Virtues book
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Front cover image of Cyber Warfare Ethics book
front cover image of Military Space Ethics book

Edited by

Don Carrick, King's College London, Michael B. Skerker, United States Naval Academy and David Whetham, King's College London at the Joint Services Command and Staff College.

With most officer training schools including military ethics as part of their programme, more than ever there is a need for clarity on ethical decision making.  Contemporary military conflict is ever changing and with it military practitioners are confronted by new ethical challenges which often put additional weight on the professional activity of personnel.  At a minimum, military professionals need to have a clear knowledge of the laws that underpin their profession in order to evaluate situations quickly.


The series explores the complexities of acting ethically within the military system.  It is not a philosophical debate on military ethics, nor is it a general introduction.  Instead, this series aims to provide real world guidance for military commanders and leaders.  Edited alongside King’s College London Centre for Military Ethics and the United States Naval Academy's Leadership, Ethics and Law Department, this series brings a unique and relevant combination of practitioner and academic expertise which profoundly enhances the overall effect of the learning experience from its publications.


We are currently building our list of titles to be published. If you are interested in writing for this series and would like to discuss your work with a member of the series team, please contact us with a brief overview so that we may direct you to the most suitable editor for your area of expertise.






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