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Professionals Talk Logistics: Sustaining Strategy and Operations

Professionals talk logistics. It is an adage offered around many a military conference room, a time-honored piece of wisdom that serves as a cautionary reminder that logistics both enables and constrains military strategy and to ignore one imperils the other.

Few book-length works have been written specifically on logistics, which are often overlooked by historians who instead focus on the great captains of battle. While exceptions exist, those rare volumes tend to focus on the past, tracing the echoes of history while ignoring the implications of those echoes on future conflict. Military strategy is most assuredly informed by logistics, and contemporary operations reveal that leaders require more professional—and nuanced—discussion of military strategy and logistics.

Drawing on a wealth of experienced and insightful strategists and logisticians, Professionals Talk Logistics explores that relationship from antiquity into the contemporary context and concludes with a cautionary and provocative view through a directed lens of future conflict.


"Professionals Talk Logistics provides historical and contemporary insights into the most important and least discussed topic in major military operations. The authors highlight the inseparable link between the widely discussed topic of strategy and the largely overlooked topic of logistics. Covering developments from Alexander to today, this book addresses the toughest problem facing the Joint Force in a Pacific campaign. True professionals will take advantage of this insightful work to help them deal with this immediate challenge."

Dr T.X. Hammes, Distinguished Research Fellow, National Defense University


"This is an intriguing anthology that fills a significant hole in the contemporary security studies literature. The book's exploration of the nexus of strategy and logistics gets to the heart of real strategy as opposed to strategy on paper. Professionals and strategists must consider logistics as it is central to the means and feasibility of any strategy. Highly recommended for professional military and security studies programs."

Frank Hoffman, PhD, National Defense University, USA


"That ‘an army marches on its stomach’ is as true today in the war in Ukraine as it was at the time of Alexander the Great and will remain so in the high-tech conflicts of tomorrow. In this timely and valuable edited volume, “Professionals Talk Logistics”, Jon Klug and Steve Leonard re-link the art and science of supply to the past, present, and future of military strategy and operations."

Joshua C. Huminski, Senior Vice President for National Security & Intelligence Programs Center for the Study of the Presidency & Congress


Publication 31st January 2025

ISBN: 9781912440672 pbk / 9781912440689 hbk/ 9781912440696 EPUB

Professionals Talk Logistics: Sustaining Strategy and Operations

  • Foreword by GENERAL GUS PERNA

    Introduction by JON KLUG AND STEVE LEONARD


    Chapter 1: Horses, Camels, or Oxen? How the Great Captains Defined the Art of Logistics  STEVE LEONARD

    Chapter 2: Does Logistics Drive Strategy, or Does Strategy Drive Logistics?  JOE WALDEN

    Chapter 3: What Ever Happened to the Arsenal of Democracy? A Brief History of the Defense Industrial Base before, during, and after World War II  TIM GILHOOL AND SYDNEY SMITH

    Chapter 4: Strategy Short of War  RON GRANIERI

    Chapter 5: The Four Logistical Operations  RICHARD KILLBLANE


    Chapter 6: An Armor Officer’s Perspective on Logistical Literacy RICH CREED

    Chapter 7: The Operational Level of War and Logistics KEVIN BENSON

    Chapter 8: At the End of a 6,000-Mile Screwdriver  FRANCIS PARK

    Chapter 9: Logistics, Operational Warfare, and the War in Ukraine  JIM GREER


    Chapter 10: Toward a Theory of the Supply Chain Environment  MATT EVERS

    Chapter 11: Artificial Intelligence and Logistics on the Modern Battlefield. STACY TOMIC, MICHAEL POSEY, AND PAUL LUSHENKO

    Chapter 12: Darwin Strategic Bastion  MICK RYAN

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