Sandhurst Trends in International Conflict Series Symposium Programme
Practicing/Employing/Working/Doing/Making Security
the Women, Peace and Security Agenda in Military Operations
Thursday 3rd and Friday 4th March 2022 Royal Military Academy Sandhurst
0900-0930: Arrival, registration and tea/coffee
Book Exhibition by Howgate Publishing
0930-0945: Welcome & introduction
0945-1115: Panel 1 - Applying the Women, Peace and Security Agenda
An Jacobs and Katerina Krulisova (Nottingham Trent University) - Gender Mainstreaming in Peacebuilding
Rachel Grimes and Ian Birdwell (NATO) - Individually and in Concert: NATO, Article 5, and Human Security
Steve Maguire (Land Warfare Centre) - Women, Peace, Security, and Peacebuilding
1115-1130 Break and book exhibition
1130-1245: Keynote - Sanam Naraghi Anderlini MBE, Director of the Centre for Women, Peace and Security at the LSE and Founder and CEO of the International Civil Society Action Network - ICAN
1245-1345: Lunch
1345-1515: Panel 2 - The Women,Peace and Security Agenda in Contemporary Operations
Jody M. Prescott and Robin Lovell (University of Vermont Manhattan College) - Making Sense of Armed Conflict, Gender and Climate Change in Operations
Spencer B. Meredith III (National Defence University) - Female Civil Affairs Personnel: Keys to Security the Victory in Post-Conflict Stabilization
Whitney Grespin and Cameo Spiegel-Saegert (U.S. Air Force Academy) - The Djiboutian National Action Plan and Related Women, Peace and Security Programming
1515-1530: Break and book exhibition
1530-1700: Panel 3 - Integrating WPS in Military Practice
David Kemmis-Betty (Land Operations Command) - WPS in Context: JSP 985 and Human Security
Abigail Watson and Delina Goxho (Saferworld) - Protecting Civilians While Enmeshing the Civil-Military Complex: Mission Impossible?
Hannah West (Newcastle University) - Women as Weapon Systems: Human Security Advisers in the Democratic Republic of Congo
1700-1710: Closing Address
1710-1800: Networking Reception hosted by Howgate Publishing
1400-1430: Welcome and Opening Address
1430-1615: Virtual Panel
Alex Henshaw (Troy University, USA) - Bringing Women, Peace and Security Online: Understanding Applications in the Cyber Domain
Cristina Fontanelli (University of Genoa) - Fostering the Practice of All-Female Military Units? Re-conceptualising Military Organizational Change in Armed Interventions
Changwook Ju (Yale University) - Why Do Military Officers Condone Sexual Violence? A General Theory of Commander Tolerance
Kelly A. Atkinson (USAFA Women's Initiatives Team) - Hearts, Minds, Women, and Peace: Militarized Human Security and its Discontents
Wendy Wagnar (University of California, San Diego) - UN Peacekeeping Deployment and the Displacement of Violence