Military Ethics and Law
Areas of Interest
Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC)
Professional Military Ethic (PME)
Classical Just War Thinking
Cyber and Space warfare
Emerging Ethical Challenges
Prisoners of War
War Crimes Tribunals
Humanitarian Intervention
Non-Western Perspectives
Underpinning all areas of the armed forces is an essential requirement to understand both the ethical and legal aspects of contemporary military conflict. As conflict evolves and changes, new questions concerning the relationship between law, ethics and armed conflict become apparent - can a decision be legal and, at the same time, not moral? Are there limitations to relying solely on the law? How indispensable is the Professional Military Ethic?
We encourage analysis of whether the conventional criminal justice system can deal effectively with emerging ethical challenges, such as armed humanitarian interventions, terrorism and war crimes, how well the current system deals with issues of private military contractors and unregulated new technologies, and, in light of events over the last decade, assessing the military’s moral compass.
In particular, we are interested in: reaffirming the basic guiding principles; examining the complexities of acting both legally and ethically within the military system; the debate over who should be responsible for delivering ethics education; and personal experiences of ethical decision making.
We are currently building our list of titles in this area. If you are an established author looking for a more personalised service, or perhaps a first time author looking for an experienced publisher, please contact us.